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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Spina Bifida

A large part of this ground, children come into the world with a range of error inherent (congenital malformation) were grown. The maximum error in the name spina bifida. The world of the babies in every 1000 children between 1 and error that can born.

This error is congenital neural tube (neural tube) is due to an error bhrunangera. The Date of the child vertebra (vertebra) in the previous part of the bone and the pairs are twisted incomplete spinal cord abhyantaristha spainala (spinal cord) and come out of the nerve (nerve) have become vulnerable.

There are three types spaina baiphidara - which is the most widespread and damaging to মায়েলোমেনিংগোসিল (Myelomeningocoele). It's the back bone of the vertebra pairs asampurnatara longer due to her through her various cover merurajju or spinal cord and nerve (nerve) with the rear of the body come out. Komara or the bottom (Lumber & Sacral region), with the most coming harai. And if you do come into the world of the child at the end of logging. Nimnanga are asleep in her, even sometimes buttocks, thighs, legs these organs are not fully broken. Incorrect structure provides a way to make water closet with the child that she and her parents, who nimnangera suffering in the durbisaha.

Meningosila (Meningocoele) is less than the rate of types. The Vertebrae large space behind phakatio so that it can come out of the spinal cord. The error was slightly behind the child janmaneya Empty and swelling of the day without any other problems with the space.

Spaina baiphida akalta (spina bifida occulta) is the most harmful type of an error. Empty the back part of the vertebra is so small that it's some of the intimacy of the spinal cord. Empty slightly behind at Vertebrae The text is beautiful and clean skin (skin) with. Any way to increase space from which to understand the implications for any errors. 10 percent of children who were born to be an error. Incorrect parts of the skin, or abnormal hair grown janmadaga because of this error may be very visible.

Pregnant mother who altrasanograma (ultrasonogram) test often indicates that the purchase of the womb child amana error. So when in doubt, make sure you check the mother's blood or emaniosentesisa (amniocentesis) to check and see. Spaina baiphida or neural tube baby if the mother's blood alpha error pheto protein (AFP = Alpha feto protein) called a lot of quantity increases.

Once this error is raising a child is a medical janmale Fix it quite yet been discovered., But there are more children need to be increased in niurosarjana (pediatric neurosurgeon) Fix the first year of operations on the lumbar error.

Spaina baiphidara shorter than a small child neurological / psychological issues. For example, if you have such a large selection of children (executive power) paradarsita is low, the mathematics (mathematics) and reading (reading comprehension), they are relatively weak. Be created, the structure of social relations or social groups and their active participation is somewhat awkward.

In recent years, many go for medical help. I have a baby during pregnancy spaina baiphida cancer surgery is often isolated matrgarbhe while the mother made a full healthy as possible. Operation processes are quite complex and expensive, and that's the success rate is not 100 percent that the world may have to wait some more time for a full spaina baiphida the children of the world.

Our hope is to prevent this disease like a disease. If mothers from pregnancy vitamins regularly phalika acid / phaleta (folic acid / folate vitamin B9) to accept the risk of this disease is reduced. Phalika acid that is found in the market to buy asudhera stores. Moreover, leafy vegetables (leafy vegetables), various types of fruit (banana, pineapple, tomato, grape, etc.) all have a lot of phalika acid. The faster complex spaina baiphida rogai hokana why they're worried about it, it can stifle you.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Babies growth slowly for a pregnancy mother work in long time standing job

  • Babies may grow slowly , when a pregnancy mother work a long time by standing during the condition.
  • For this reasons who women stood long time work carrier baby , that babies heads were one CM (centimeter) smaller than other babies normal birth.  
  • On the other hand who women work in a week more than 25 hours that babies weight 5 to 7 ounces less than other born baby  which  mother do not  work in standing less than 25 hours  in a week.
  • Less than 5.5 pounds weighted baby birth for long hours working mother who work  physically hard working by standing position.
  • Low birth weight , premature birth , birth defects increase long time work in standing with her work place so avoid this.
  • Teacher, sales woman , childcare job , about 38% women spent standing job long time ,about 45%  spend walking job related work , 6%  women heavy lifting job & other 4%  job in night shift .
  • With fetal circumference growth,  smaller head size baby birth also linked for the reason more than 25 hours working in a week long periods standing job.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Ayurveda is to ply message regarding food & lifestyle so that well people can stay healthy & folks with suitableness challenges can improve their health. AYU – means --LIFE or LONGEVITY & VEDA -- means -- DEEP KNOWLEDGE or WISDOM, that MEANS - - " THE KNOWLEDGE OF LONGEVITY " . It is an early and universal method of health and healing that is suitable for every human, which has a account over 5000 period.

Four important parts of AYU are soul, mind, senses, & body.

SOUL :--

We before exist in physical form with the help of the senses & mind, that also AYURVEDA sees, that we survive in a   many subtle forge famed   as the SOUL. The ancient seers of india believed that   we were comprised of a   bound vigorous gist that precluded the inhabitance of our physical entity. In fact, they hypothesized   that we may indeed domicile many physical   bodies throughout the education of instant but that our underlying soul or ego remains same. What we see to help lucubrate this construct is what transpires   at the moment of dying. When the human nears the   example to instant the physical body, many of her / his  desires will cease to be present. As the Soul no long   identifies with the body, the desire to eat food or luxuriate   in a peculiar process   that victimized to be a uppercase   maker of satisfaction for that   cause drops by the margin. In fact, some individuals   feature been referenced   to see the faculty   of existence "out of their   bodies."

Mind, senses, & body :--

We incline to see   mainly with our   carnal bodies, there are many   to us   then what   meets the eye.  We can   see that   implicit   our carnal body system is   the mind, which   not only controls   our thought   processes but helps   support us in   carrying out day-to-day   activities such   as digestion, circulation, respiration, and elimination. Body & Mind works with one another to determine our physiology. In position for mind to act suitably   to support the personal body, we moldiness use our senses as   aggregation   gatherers. We can believe of the mind as a   central processing unit or computer machine and the senses as the assemblage which gets   entered into   the machine. Taste & Smell are two significant senses at aid in the digestive treat. When the mind registers that a peculiar nutrient is   ingress the   gastrointestinal pathway, it directs the body to act accordingly by   releasing different digestive enzymes. Yet, if   we overindulge the flavor  buds with too more of a   certain taste, specified as sweet, we may get that the mind power of the intelligence to perceive the   sweet taste is   weakened, we and thereby the embody   becomes challenged in   its power to impact sweet foods. Maintaining the   clearness of our senses is an organic  part in allowing the body & mind to join together   their functions and help   in keeping us in good physical shape healthy  and happy individuals.
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